Los Bread

Los(t) Bread

The “t” is in parenthesis because it’s technically “lost” due to the stale bread that is typically deemed no good. However, I was working on my third decade of life before I knew this explanation. I always heard it as “los” bread. Some people call it by its French name, pain perdu which means lost bread in French.

This dish is best if you use stale French bread because it absorbs more of the custard mixture. There are two main differences between this dish and French toast: 1) it’s made with French bread and not sliced sandwich bread 2) it is sweet so after it is cooked, syrup or powdered sugar is not added.

PS Thanks mom for the recipe!

2 eggs
½ c sugar
1 c milk
1 T vanilla
cinnamon or nutmeg
1 loaf stale French bread, sliced in ½ inch slices
4 T butter

Beat eggs and sugar together with a fork until the sugar is dissolved and the color lightens. Stir in milk, vanilla, and a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg. Heat a frying pan or griddle to 375 degrees. Coat the griddle with butter. When bubbles form, dip the bread in the custard (make sure the bread is fully absorbed) and place it on the griddle. Cook for a couple of minutes until the bottom turns golden brown, flip until the other side is golden brown. Repeat. If you don’t see cinnamon or nutmeg floating on top of the custard, add a little more.


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