Mushroom, Pork, and Vegetable Potsticker
These potstickers are a whole mouth experience. While some potstickers are merely an instrument to eat sauce, these are not. They boast a meaty richness amped up the umami flavor thanks to the mushrooms. If you hesitate eating mushrooms because of the texture, these little pockets of goodness are for you. The mushrooms are finely chopped so you have all of the flavor with none of the sponginess.

Mushroom Ragou with Poached Duck Egg
There’s few dishes I look forward to eating each year more than this one. The grounded richness of the mushrooms is like hot lava running through my veins, warming my core from the inside out even on the most bone-chilling of days.

Mushroom and Cheese Galette
This mushroom and cheese galette is jam packed with creamy boldness that leaves you longing for just one more bite long after you’re full.

Mushroom and Cheese Empanadas
There’s nothing quite like a satisfying empanada. They’re little, but packed with flavor.